Friday, July 10, 2015

H8 4 thy Cre8tion of C8ke part 8

yippe yip yip my hip canoe skippers! I FUQUING H8 C8ke!!!!! I don't know WHEYE I ATE IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU THINK I Wood Learn butt i dontttttt I'm just a babe- E ;'( my teeth of the baby feel as if they are snails that someone put salt on and nowe they r pizzed off and are shriveling up and turing into ugly azz "raySINs'. WHYY GODS WHY?!?!?!?!!?!?! WHO THE FAQ CREATED C8KE IT FOOKING SUCKS!!!!! IT SUCKS IT SUCKS IT SUCKS IT SUCKS IT SUCKS IT SUCKS TO THE POINT I DONT GIVE A SUCK!!!!!!!! If I where My Mother, Sac, And I gave birth 2 a piece of c8ke and that cake was BrEaST feed My nimples would be some Chappie motherfookers!!!!! I guess I will have to pull out my 9 and kill dis cake... 9 mm bow and arrow that is bitchez!!!!!!!



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