Thursday, December 11, 2014


Aye just wanted to show u guys an updated pic of mom (Sac) and  i.
I'm male



Medicine Man Kicked the Can

Hello Wiggy Wiigwam Warrirors Whats aupe?!?! Its been a while. JUST KIDDING we have had longer passings between meeting before... ones that have lasted seasons.... Any way it is a sad here in my headd. Our Medicine Man has Kicked the CANNNNN!!!!!!!! THIS IS SOOO SAD!!!!! WHY COULDN'T HE SAVE HIMSELF?!?!?!?! AND ON TOP OF IT ALL I HAPPEN TO HAVE A HEADDACHE!!! OF ALL DAYS!!!!!!!  I am 'supposedly' Next inline 4 the throne of medicine man. BUT MAY I REMIND YOU I AM A BABY NOT A MAN I AM A BABY!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! AND personally I want to go into map making. JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!!! I NEVER GETTIN A JOB!!!!!

R.I.P Medicine Man

You will be missed




Wednesday, December 3, 2014

happy thanksBITCHING

THANKS GIVING IS A SCAM I H8 IT >:((((((((((((((((((( write man stole my food and celebreate! CALL ME A h8ter cause i h8!!!! I AM STANDING aupe for whats right!!!!! FUN FACT THANKCHIVING IS ALWAYS on a THURSDAY WHAT THE FAQUUUU



Saturday, October 4, 2014


whoedy arrowhead hackers what is um i guess going on? uhhhh my fuqiing mother Sacagawea is tring to FREEEEEaKING KILL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHe KEEPS rubbing Mud on my tempelts and Sprikilling seedz on thy mud making me a BABE. E. BIRD FEADER! AND GUESS WHAT?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!??! I am NOW IN A FREAAAKINGGGGGGGGNNNNNNNN EAGLES NEST AND THE ONLY FUQKING SONG THEY SING IS THE WREtchet NAtional Anthem!!!!!!! My ears Bleed in terror THAT WHORE HAS BEEEN Mean to ever since Gewing and Shark Took us on this WHoreid TRIPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEE



Thursday, September 18, 2014

H8 4 thy cre8tion of c8ke

Hello my wise tee pee tweeenz! I have a horrid discovery I have stumbled upon twoday!!!!!!!!!! It is an ancient Native American recipe my whore mom Sac mixed up a batch of!!!!! It is a mixture of various items like honey and maize! It is know as eowachie or what u may call c8ke! I h8 it  it makes me pee constantly and have rashez! And that is rashes not RADISHES! I want to punch myself in the stomach and hurl coins Sacagawea coins that is! End the crewelty!!!!I



Saturday, August 2, 2014


aye fellow natives it is to my greatest sorrow to inform u that pesky chillen in thy future mock our gods with this satanic photo

im sew sory this had to happen i weep with u my weepin willow budz. LETS REVOLT AND DECAPATATE THESE MENACES!!! CAUSE OUR GOD REALLY IS A DEER WTFFFFFFFFFFFF R THEY MENTAL?!?!?!?!?!?! I HOPE THEY LEARN THEIR LESSON WHEN I BEET THEM WITH MY WILLOW TREE WHIP!!!!!! they will be like whipped.......creme hahahaaha goooood one... just fyi i have a lead on thy main suspects u may know them as 

&                                                   clark

just a theory....



Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Glow Woorhmz

have u seen a worm that glows bright green
if u have seen my bean 
you would of seen the green
and my sceem ;))))

aloha wigwam warriors as u can see i have streched my creative bone and made poetry or you could say its because my mom is a whore and is failing to to provide proper education to a male like thy self and is instead flirting with thee HOBOSECUAL lewis and bark!!!!! I DESPIZEE THEM WITH EVERY WHOLE GRAIN OF MY SOUL (a bag of rice)



Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Que arth thou I want a Cowwee

AAA HOY how are the animal track treckers. have u beeen knotty lately?!?! I have recently learned how to tie a knot of no thanks at all to Lewis or Clarkis but rather the racoon i have lately befriended thou our friendship peculiar and temporary like thy water passing in thy river or the seasons, is reliable in the sense i know it will once again come hither once more if thee will lit bee. Now you may quetsion thee what am i doing with this new aquired skill.

WELL THAT IS NONE OF UR FUQUKING BIZNIESS OKAYYYYYYY!!!!!! >:( someone SHOULD teach YOU a LESSON on MANNORS. here THEY are THEY are NAMED sensibility AND wishful SWALLOW trail. GUESS what THEY are?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!!? MY fist U BICCC oreeee!!!!



Friday, May 9, 2014

Sacagawea es a Porographic Star!!!!! :''''(

Hey fellow TeePee Twins the rumor are true my madre Sacagawea is a pornographic star here is a photo to prove it.
Whyyyyyyy would she do this?!?!?! I found this in Lewis AND FREAAAKING CLARKS TEEPEE!!!!!!!! I THOUGHT THEY WHERE HOHOSEXUALS!!!!! The Photo quality is suprizingly supperb it must be all those berry staining processes i've heard about via a whispering willow. It tis a sad dae along thy river :(



Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Where be me dadi

All this traveling around the male kind with my mom makes me wonder where the fuck is my dad?!?!? Maybe I should geaux on that one documentary in the future that premieres on the OWN. I really hope lewis of dumbass Clark is my dad they are sooooooooooooo lammmemeeeeeee and white they don't know ship.



Monday, January 6, 2014

Sexy Tee Pee

I Just wanted my fellow Wigwam Warriors who are interested in seducing various items to take note of this very Sexy Tee Pee I found while crossing a river.

It is a bit to seductive so i burned it.



New Begginings

Guess What Hut dwellers?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? im choking on acorns. This marks the begginging of the new life cycle of this lovely planet. To bad Lewis and Clark are jerks and arent helping at all and are builing theoretical dams in my life. My mom is being a total Hog killer and she smells like her hormones are changing but not like they normally do.